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Selasa, 29 November 2011

On the other hands ..

Okay apart from dota, my common interest is writing a semi-poem. Now this is an example of a poem that inspired me so badly :

Manusia seperti Sebuah BUKU....

Cover depan adalah tanggal lahir.

Cover belakang adalah tanggal kematian.

Tiap lembarnya, adalah tiap hari dalam hidup kita dan apa yg kita lakukan.

Ada buku yg tebal,

ada buku yg tipis.

Ada buku yg menarik dibaca,

ada yg sama sekali tidak menarik.

Sekali tertulis, tidak akan pernah bisa di'edit' lagi.

Tapii hebatnya,

seburuk apapun halaman sebelumnya, selalu tersedia halaman selanjutnya yg putih bersih, baru dan tiada cacat.

Sama dengan hidup kita, seburuk apapun kemarin,

Tuhan selalu menyediakan hari yang baru untuk kita.

Kita selalu diberi kesempatan baru untuk melakukan sesuatu yg benar dalam hidup kita setiap harinya.

Kita selalu bisa memperbaiki kesalahan kita dan melanjutkan alur cerita kedepannya sampai saat usia berakhir, yang sudah ditetapkanNYA.

Terima kasih Tuhan utk hari yg baru ini..

Syukuri hari ini....

dan isilah halaman buku kehidupanmu dgn hal2 yg baik semata.

Dan, jangan pernah lupa, untuk selalu bertanya kepada Tuhan, tentang apa yang harus ditulis tiap harinya.

Supaya pada saat halaman terakhir buku kehidupan kita selesai, kita dapati diri ini sebagai pribadi yg berkenan kepadaNYA.

Dan buku kehidupan itu layak untuk dijadikan teladan bagi anak2 kita dan siapapun setelah kita nanti.

Selamat menulis di buku kehidupanmu,

Menulislah dengan tinta cinta dan kasih sayang, serta pena kebijaksanaan.

Aku berdoa dan berharap :

"agar Tuhan selalu menyertai setiap langkahmu"


Tuhan tidak pernah menjanjikan bahwa

langit itu selalu biru,

Bunga selalu mekar,

dan Mentari selalu bersinar..

Tapi ketahuilah bahwa Dia selalu

memberi pelangi di setiap badai,

Senyum di setiap air mata,

Berkah di setiap cobaan,

dan jawaban di setiap do'a.

Jangan pernah menyerah,

Terus berjuanglah..

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Hello everyone!
We've seen text guides, pictures, cool formatting, youtube-video clips and much more in the world of guiding and teaching DotA.

We'll now introduce you to our new concept; The Live Guide.

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You'll be able to move from newcomer to low-skilled to mid-skilled to high-skilled to pro at a quicker rate.

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It's not enough to simply watch - you need to be active! Ask Link questions if you are unsure or want something cleared out and try his builds and implement his style into your own.

Everything you need
Watch him play different heroes, his movement around the map, his skill build and how he changes itembuilds and gameplay depending on the situation in-game.

It'll help you understand DotA much easier than normal guides that dictates: get vanguard and dagger on axe and luxuries = heart. In this Live Guide you'll see on-the-fly item builds or skill build changes.

You are a part of it
It's a LIVE guide so you are able to ask Link any questions you might have and he'll answer them as soon as possible / after the game.

You can join #linklink at mIRC or by clicking connect at the above link, to chat with others watching the stream and with his teammates and other players.

Our goal is to create a small community for everyone that are willing to learn or to teach. So support us and help DotA grow as an eSport!

Write comments if you think we should add something here or if you have any ideas on how to improve our Live Guide.

nevo.link will stream every day:
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to 22.00 CET.

Welcome To Dota NOOBS !

Basic Survival in Dota. If you're a noob player, please READ this !

Starting the Game

Basic Items

A lot of newer players tend to go right for items like Boots of Speed or Gloves of Haste in the beginning of the game, and tend to ignore cheap ways of increasing your survivability dramatically; some even give you an offensive edge!

  • Regeneration

    Ancient Tango of Essifation: Tangoes provide uninterrupted healing so you can get right back to the middle of the action.
    Healing Salve: Interrupted upon receiving damage, stay back after using. Salves heal about 1/2 to 3/4 of your life early on.
    Clarity Potion: Interrupted upon receiving damage, stay back after using. Allows you to cast more spells.
    Bottle: Heals HP and mana. Empty bottles automatically refill when you return to your fountain, making them useful all game. They can also store runes. For more information about rune powerups, visit here.
    Magic Stick: Accumulates heal/mana on standby, this item is great against opponents who use spells frequently.
  • Statistic-Increasing

    Gauntlets of Giant Strength / Slippers of Agility / Mantle of Intelligence: These items give you very minor +3 bonuses to a specific attribute
    Circlet of Nobility: +2 Rounded attribute bonuses usually if you intend to make Bracers, Wraith Bands and Null Talismans
    Ironwood Branch: +1 to stats, Cheap and effective, these fill out slot spaces nicely


Keep an eye on the timer at the top-right corner of your screen. When it counts down and reaches 0, that is when the first wave of creeps will spawn from your base and at your three towers and walk outwards. They will continue walking along the lanes until they reach the enemy creeps or tower. It is a good idea to stay near and behind these creeps because they can provide you with safety from enemy attack.

Creeps and Towers

While you can easily kill one on its own, their strength lies in their numbers. A common mistake many players make is to engage multiple creeps by themselves. Stay behind the safety of your own creeps so that you can fight them at your leisure. Creeps spawn every 30 seconds.

The primary defensive measure for both teams, standing in the safety of your tower is a strong incentive for enemies to back off. Towers deal a sizable portion of your hit points in damage, making them powerful unless there are other targets already in their attack range. Try to figure out how far this distance is so that you do not take unnecessary damage.

Both creeps and towers will change their targets to attack you if you have chosen to attack an enemy hero in the vicinity.  This can be seen clearly in our first example.

Example: In the first part, the creeps are content to attack each other until Sniper starts attacking the Priestess of the Moon, at which point they switch to attacking him. Note that the creeps do not go for the Priestess when she attacks the Sniper back because she is too far away from them. In the second part, the tower  stops attacking the creeps  in order to attack the Sniper when he attacks the Priestess.


Dying to spells is very common to new players who might not understand the individual effects or mechanics of the many heroes in DotA. There are hundreds of unique abilities in DotA, so it would appear to be very daunting to have to learn and read about EVERY single hero. Instead, try to place the spells that you have seen your opponents use into major categories so you know how to react to them in the future:

  • Direct Damage
    These spells often deal lots of damage quickly to an opponent, great for harassing and/or finishing them off. Try to be careful of these spells by keeping your current HP relatively high.
    Examples: Laser (Tinker) and Culling Blade (Axe)
  • Area of Effect
    Affect only the area specified by your opponent. These spells can sometimes be avoided if you can be unpredictable as to confuse your opponents or keep your distance so that the spells do not reach you.
    Examples: Sonic Wave (Queen of Pain) and Macropyre (Twin-Headed Dragon)
  • Damage Over Time
    Rather than instant damage, these abilities do their damage in segments but can come with extra effects, such as slow. While this will prevent Healing Salve and Bottle from healing you, regeneration items and specific abilities or items such as Mekansm can still be used.
    Examples: Venomous Gale (Venomancer) and Ignite (Ogre Magi)
  • Disable/Stun
    These spells stun you or prevent you from responding in some way - movement, attacking, casting spells, or sometimes in combination. Generally you have to watch your distance or have an ally to assist you in case this happens.
    Examples: Shackle (Shadow Shaman) and Fiend's Grip (Bane Elemental)
  • Buff/Debuff
    These spells either make you or your allies stronger or opponents weaker in some way such as increasing damage, armor, prevention of status effects.
    Examples: Repel (Omniknight) and Frost Armor (Lich)

Just be careful because sometimes certain spells fall under more than one category: the best way of dealing with these spells would be from gaining experience, learning from your mistakes, and good teamwork.

Buying Items

While it can be tempting to go for huge damage items like Buriza-do Kyanon and Radiance, it helps to know that buying items in a certain order can really help a lot for improving your survivability. Here are some tips:

  • Bracers/Wraith Bands/Null TalismansSometimes it can be useful to make 2-3 before going for more expensive items. They provide useful bonuses that help you survive and use more spells or deal more damage.
  • Power Treads/ Phase Boots / Boots of Travel
    Upgrading your footwear will also give you both a movement speed boost and may come with useful abilities. Power Treads are good if you want the attack speed, Phase Boots give you a little more damage and armor, and Boots of Travel gives you a teleportation ability to any allied unit.
  • Buying order
    Sometimes players tend to purchase items in the wrong order, so in order to explain this more thoroughly, let us look at the components of an item, the Linken's Sphere, which is comprised of:
    Perseverance (Ring of Health [875] + Void Stone [875]) + Ultimate Orb [2100] + Recipe [1325]
    It is a good idea to start with the ring of health or void stone to help provide regeneration in the lane. This will help you survive and save up the 2100 for your Ultimate Orb. Of course, if you were fortunate enough to get that much gold early then feel free to buy the more expensive component. NEVER BUY RECIPES FIRST.
  • Scroll of Town PortalThe reason this item deserves special mention and its own category is because it is one of the most important items that EVERY hero gets.While you do not have to buy one at the beginning of the game, this item is extremely useful and provides you with the ability to escape from enemies or to defend your buildings. Be wary of its channeling time, because it can be interrupted by some spells and items. You definitely want to be carrying at least one of these at all times, especially later in the game.

The Map

The map terrain and features are not only for decorative purposes, something that newer players will understand very quickly when they are facing opponents who do have the knowledge to make use of the environment and playing field: Here are several aspects of basic understanding that will help you to learn about the static features of the DotA map:

  • ElevationPlayers in low areas cannot see enemies located above them: They also suffer a 25% miss chance when fighting higher targets. Players often get surprised when they seemingly get attacked without warning near a ramp. In short, the higher you are, the better.
  • Terrain
    There are many small pathways and little areas of trees that obscure vision and provide perfect hiding spots for your enemies. Sometimes it can be a good idea to run into the trees if you are trying to escape from them.
  • TimeYou will have less vision at night, making it easier for opponents to close in and surprise you. Bonus fact: Some heroes like Drow Ranger and Nightstalker have higher than normal vision at night. More information here.
  • Crossing the River
    The River divides up the territory between Sentinel and Scourge. Please be extremely cautious when you decide to travel across to the other half of the map. One of the most common mistakes for less experienced players to make is to fight creeps too far into the other side and eventually get killed as a result of this. Unless you are extremely confident in your abilities to escape, or bring allies with you, entering enemy territory alone will always result in an easy target for the opposing team to exterminate.

Example: Look at the trouble that Sniper gets into from crossing the river alone! This play by Sniper is doubly bad because he also goes uphill into the fog, which severely limits his vision. He can't see the enemy team lurking above him until it's too late.


Hopefully, after reading this guide and learning more about some fundamentals, you were able to pinpoint some of your mistakes as a newer player to DotA. Learning how creeps and towers function, dealing with spells, which items are useful, and understanding the map itself will allow you to better survive against players who have learned this through their experiences. Dying happens to everyone, use the knowledge gained by those deaths to improve as a player and you will be a great asset to your team in the near futur
I would like to come to a close by reminding you that DotA, while full of individual play and customization, is still a team game. Nothing gives you more survivability than the 4 allies fighting alongside you, so having coordination and teamwork can often be the difference between surviving together, or dying alone.


As a Science, we have our own common terms. So check this out :
Player Abbreviations
OJ Orange
LB Light Blue
DG Dark Green

Areas On The Map
Mid Middle lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the center of the map.
Top Top lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the west and top portions of the map
Bot Bot lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the bottom and east portions of the map.
Woods The areas in between lanes where neutral creeps are found.
Jungle Same as woods.

Item Abbreviations
AC Assault Cuirass
Aghs or Agha Aghanim's Scepter
BKB Black King Bar
Blink Kelen's Dagger
BoT Boots of Travel
Crow Flying Courier
Deso Stygian Desolator
DR Divine Rapier
Hex Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
HotD Helm of the Dominator
HoT Heart of Tarrasque
Mek Mekansm
MoM Mask of Madness
Phase Phase Boots
PT Power Treads
RoB Ring of Basillus
RoR Ring of Regeneration
RoH Ring of Health
or Sheep
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
SnY Sange and Yasha
Vlads Vladimir's Offering

Basic Need To Know Terms
Farm Farming up gold. Refers to the act of systematically killing creeps in order to earn gold. Even when you are virtually killing creeps all game long, you say that someone is "farming" when they are completely dedicated and concentrated on that.
Focus Means to concentrate all attacks on a specific target (I.E "Focus Lina" means that Lina should be the primary objective and that all the team should have attacking her as a priority in team fights)
Harass Relative to the act of putting pressure in your enemy by attacking him during the laning period. Basically, harassing is attacking the enemy in front of you in the lane, so as to make him an easy target for a gank or to prevent him from farming freely. Therefore, "harass Ezalor" means that you should try to damage Ezalor with your skills/attacks.
Juke Juking, means to make deceptive maneuvers with your hero while moving, so as to delude your opponent and make it harder for him to predict where you will be heading. This is used mainly to escape while you are being chased, or to make your enemy miss/misuse a spell (for example Avalanche, which has to be targeted to the ground).
Pull Creep Pulling. Getting creeps from a neutral camp to follow you into the path of your lane creeps.
Spam Spamming your spells, refers to the act of repeatedly using a certain spell, a lot. "spam carrion swarm" means casting Carrion Swarm a lot, most generally as soon as the cool down is up.
Rosh Roshan. Refers to Roshan, the big neutral creep next to the river just below the middle lane. Usually indicates the player's belief that either the enemy team is killing Roshan right now or that the player's team should kill Roshan now.
Gank Bringing several heroes to gang up on a target to kill them. "Gank lina," is a request for you to come help kill her.
b Back. If your allies start calling "b," get out immediately, it usually means that you're getting ganked. This is a more urgent warning than a miss or mia call.
TP Teleport. A request for you to use a Scroll of Town Portal or Boots of Travel to come assist in a fight. "tp mid now"
Def Defend. Self-explanitory, "tp to def mid"
Push Traveling down a lane as a team in order to work together to fight and kill enemy buildings.
DD The Double Damage rune.

Hero Missing/ Returning Calls
miss Missing. A warning that enemy heroes have gone out of view and might be ganking, so be careful. Usually said with a hero name, such as, "Lina miss."
mia Missing in action. Same thing as miss, such as, "Lina mia."
re Returned. The opposite of a miss/mia call, "Lina re" means that she's back in the lane she came from and you don't have to worry about her.

Hero Descriptions
nuke A generic term for any spell that does damage. "Nuke him" just means throw your damage spell, pretty much no matter what hero you have.
ult Ultimate. Any hero's level 6 ability is refered to as their ultimate
oom Out of mana. Don't expect any more spells from this player during the fight.
mana Just saying "mana" usually means the same thing as oom
cd Cooldown.Should usually be interpreted as, "Hold on, the spell I need isn't up yet." Also, you might see something like, "ult cd 30" which means, "My ultimate is still cooling for about 30 more seconds."
stacked Stacked of items, means that a hero has gotten many and powerful items, therefore making him really hard to take down. "Nevermore is stacked" means that Nevermore has many and good items.
farmed Same as stacked.